Location: Nicosia Campus, Library Building, 1st Floor, Lab 1 (36 square meters)
Includes: Desks for researchers, Storage Cabinets, Equipment / Devices / Software
Nuclear Medical Imaging Unit
- Phantoms (tissue-equivalent anthropomorphic thorax phantom, lungs, cardiac, liver, breast, neck-thyroid phantoms), moulds for phantoms, engineering tools and consumables (solid water material, resin, plexiglass, etc.).
- 3D Printers: Form-Lab2 for resins (wash and UV curing devices), Ultimaker-S5 for plastics, related tools, printing materials, consumables for processing the printing products,
- Sense 3D Scanner, Vacuum Forming (Vaquform DT2).
- Software: custom-made database software, custom-made MatLab algorithms (TEW scattering correction, partial volume correction, volume estimation of tumours, 3D dosimetry, analysis of MP artifacts with polar maps).
- Devices/Sensors: Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC V1210, PLC V1020), PLC Snap-In I/O V200-18-E2B, I/O Expansion (IO-A14-A02), PLC EXF (EXF-RC15), I/O Expansion Adapter (EX-A2X), PLC power supply (PS-24 MILLENIUM II), two motor power supplies (GDR-60-24), three motor power supplies (GDR-60-12), two linear stepper motors (23HS45-4204S) and custom-made assemblies with actuating rods, linear stepper motor (110BYGH201), stepper motor (110BYGH401) and custom-made assembly for rotation, two motor drivers (SMC139), two motor drivers (M542T), two proportional valves (MPPE-3-1/8-1-010-B), three mini vacuum pumps (H40DMR), two solenoid electro-valves (MRB397CVC), solenoid electro-valve (MD232DVW), pressure gauge (FAR2000-01), flowmeter (Festo SFAB-50U-HQ6-2SV-M12), two photoelectric sensors (panasonic HG-C1100-P), two proximity sensors (LJA3-2-Z/BY), two proximity sensors (2218036), two proximity sensor (Autonics PRL-08), power supply (TSTZS 200/001), capacitor (ZN350M), pressure control (HEP110), pressure sensor (Autonics PSA-01), rotary encoder (E50S8-1000-3-T-24), ECG Simulator (TechPatient CARDIO), multimeter (GDM-394), function generator (GFG-8020H), power supply (SPB-120-24), stepper motor driver (DM8601), power supply (S-350-60), related electronic tools, accessories and consumables (types of cables and connectors etc), plexiglass assemblies to mechanical validate motions, pipettes, pipes and connectors etc.
Environmental Radioactivity Unit
- Complete set of AlphaGuard Pro (air, water, soil) radon detector with asseccories (aquakit, soil probe), custom-made slide hammer for soil measurements, custom-made non-electric driller (12mm diameter) for CR39 soil measurements, metallic-strong drills of different small-sized diameters, complete set of a cordless drilling/chipping SDS plus (M18 ONEFHPX, Milwaukee), CR39 passive radon detectors, Tesla Radon Probe TSR4.
- AT1320C Gamma Activity Monitor.
Heavy Ion Collisions Unit
- Conduct experiments with the HADES Collaboration at the Heavy Ion Synchrotron SIS18 at Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung (GSI) and in the immediate future at the Heavy Ion Synchrotron SIS100 of the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR: EU landmark facility) at GSI, Darmstadt, Germany.
- Perform simulations and experimental data analysis using the High-Performance Computing (HPC) infrastructure (Virgo Cluster) at GSI.
- Software packages of HADES Collaboration adopted by teams for simulations and data analysis: Pluto (Monte-Carlo simulation tool for hadronic physics), UrQMD (Ultra-relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics), GEANT (simulation of passage of particles through matter), HYDRA (HADES analysis package). Also used by the team ROOT (N-tubles) and neural networks.
RayXpert 3D modeling and dose calculation software for education and training purposes: radioactive materials & sources, mapping and zoning, radiation protection & design (equipment and installations design, decommissioning, storage, waste management, detection), irradiation process simulation & optimization, medical (design and compliance, implementation study, dosimetry study, shielding design for radiation emitting systems), and radiation engineering (3D design, operational phase, reliability phase).